Many tenants are having difficulty paying rent, and are at risk of being evicted now that the eviction moratorium has been lifted in Massachusetts. If you are having difficulty paying rent and are at risk of being evicted, you have certain rights and may be able to prevent or delay being evicted. Since the process can be complicated, we recommend you contact an attorney right away if you are having difficulty paying rent and think you might be evicted.
The City of Chelsea, through the Department of Housing and Community Development and Law Department, launched a Housing Legal Clinic to assist residents facing eviction or other housing issues under the expiration of the Massachusetts Eviction Moratorium.
The purpose of the Chelsea Housing Clinic made possible through a contract between the City of Chelsea and Chelsea Legal Services, Inc., is to aid Chelsea residents in Housing Court issues such as pandemic related non-payment eviction proceedings and pre-litigation mediation events.
Chelsea Legal Services, Inc. (CLS) is the first and only Chelsea-based legal services non-profit organization. The services provided through the Chelsea Legal Housing Clinic are for Residents of Chelsea only. In order to obtain assistance through this program, please Click the Box below to be taken to our contact intake form. Upon a sucessful completion of the form, someone from the intake coordination department will respond by the end of the next business day.